INTER Network


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The INTER Network purpose is to improve quality of education and contribute to innovation in schools by assisting them in the adoption / implementation of an intercultural approach, fostering the reflection on cultural diversity and providing a scenario in which to cooperate, exchange and elaborate practical tools for initial and in-service teacher training. Teachers can make a difference in schools by transforming their own practices and ideas about education and cultural diversity.

The aims of the network will be:
1. To define, exemplify and promote intercultural education as an approach to deal with cultural differences at school in terms of theoretical foundations and practical implications.
2. To critically assess the European, national and local educational policies and practices developed in relation to meeting the needs of culturally diverse students and communities, specifically those initiatives named “intercultural”.
3. To elaborate and implement teacher training initiatives in the network institutions (masters and other postgraduate courses, seminars, workshops, etc.) in order to support teachers to deal with cultural diversity in a flexible way by adopting an intercultural approach in their daily practices.
4. To elaborate, implement and disseminate tools to analyse, support, manage and improve the intercultural approach in schooling practices, in relation to curriculum and institutional dimensions

Intercultural education Teacher training and school practice – Life long learning program

Starting date: December 2007 * Duration: 36 months
Supported by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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